Californians Need Online Marijuana Class More Than Ever

by: Mike Miller

I have blogged about the nonsense that is medicinal marijuana for years. What percent of medical marijuana users do you think have a true medical need for the drug? Keep in mind that the American Medical Association, the definitive word on illness and medication and illness in America, has not come out with a single ailment for which they recommend smoking cannabis.

The law legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes in California applies only to people who have a medical need for marijuana, like glaucoma or cancer. However, the requirements for getting the card to buy the drug are notoriously lax. Doctors can recommend its use for ailments as common as stress, sleeplessness, headaches and chronic pain. And marijuana in California has become almost as culturally accepted, and in some parts of the state nearly as widely used, as alcohol. As reported in

Do you think marijuana users are much more representative of the overall adult population? Proponents of its legalization think it does.

Here is an interesting statistic? The percentage of California drivers with traces of marijuana in their systems, 14 percent, was found to be nearly double that of people with alcohol during a spot check last year, according to a report from the California Office of Traffic Safety. It is important to keep in mind that alcohol vacates the human body fairly quickly while cannabis can remain in the bloodstream for up to 45 days.

We will continue to look at marijuana in terms of its legalization and use in both California and nationwide in future blogs. In the meantime, if you use marijuana, or know someone who does, I encourage you to take an educational marijuana program.