Hispanic Teens and Adults Would Benefit From Drug Awareness Education

by: Mike Miller

One thing about drug addiction – no one is immune. There is no age group, race, religion or ethnicity that cannot suffer from drug addiction.

When it comes to drug abuse, Hispanic teens and adults are not representative of one another. Would it surprise you to learn that Hispanic teens are more likely to abuse drugs compared to peers while Hispanic adults are less likely to abuse drugs? The stereotype is that Hispanic adults abuse drugs too. The compilation of data comes from a report by the Latin Post examining the most recent statistics from national surveys. As reported in voxxi.com.

When it comes to drug abuse among teenagers, Hispanic teens are leading the way, according to a report from the Partnership at Drugfree.org. Not only are Hispanic teens more likely than any other racial or ethnic group to abuse drugs, Hispanic teens are more likely to see drugs as a part of their environment. They are more likely than other teenagers to have friends with easy access to hard-core street drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine, and they are most likely to be offered drugs when at school or out with friends.

Again, drug abuse is an issue for teens of all races and ethnic backgrounds. We will continue to look at use and abuse among Hispanic teens again tomorrow.