
Are You an Addict?

Do you or someone you know currently use drugs? Abusing a substance can ultimately lead to addiction, as well as cause serious health problems. If you are concerned that you may be dependent on drugs, we urge you to assess if you do in fact have a drug problem.

Take the Test

If you are unsure whether or not you have a substance abuse problem, you probably already do. If you use drugs frequently enough that it's cause for concern, this should be treated as an alarm. There are concrete ways to determine if you are an addict, however. This test will ask you a list of personal questions, before determining what course of action to pursue. The following is a list of sample questions that will be asked:

  • Have you ever abused prescription drugs?
  • Do you feel guilty about your drug use?
  • Do you abuse more than one drug at a time?
  • Have you ever been arrested for the possession of illegal drugs?

Fighting the Problem

If you discover that you or someone you know has a drug problem, then it's important to seek immediate assistance. For information or direction on how to overcome a substance dependency, we encourage you to explore the following avenues:

  • School
  • Church
  • Hospital
  • Police Station
  • Licensed Therapist
  • Rehabilitation Center

Take a Class

We also offer Drug Awareness Classes to fulfill court, personal, and work requirements. If you feel like you could benefit from taking an online course regarding drug use, then please see our options below:

Please Note: Depending on your specific situation, you may discover finding professional, in-person assistance to be your best option.

Learning whether or not you have a drug problem is only step one. You can't ignore your substance abuse situation; you will only create more harm, both to your health and those around you. Find a recovery option that best fits your needs and start the healing process.