Baby Boomers Need Drug Classes

by: Mike Miller

I had always thought it was just me that drug and alcohol abuse are much worse today than for previous generations. I know previous generations had issues as well. But the abundance, accessibility and affordability of a plethora of drugs has made society a much more drug-induced state.

Need Drug Classes Now

Drug education classes now will save billions later in drug treatment costs. It is estimated that the need for substance abuse treatment services for older Americans is expected to double by 2020.

Especially disturbing is that this prediction comes on the heels of a recent study sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) showing that the rate of illicit drug use among 50 to 59 year-olds has increased 3.1 percent in the past eight years.

Substance abuse among Baby Boomers poses many challenges for individuals, families and society.

As Baby Boomers enter a transitional stage in their lives, new stressors, such as financial strain, grieving the loss of a parent or age-related health issues, make them more prone to depression and anxiety As a generation that grew up in a time when recreational drug use was commonly accepted, Boomers are reverting to substance abuse as a way to cope with stress and change.

As a member of this illustrious group I can attest that my generation has serious issues with addiction. I refuse to blame a society that has made drugs so easy to get and use. I blame decay in morals and ethics. I blame a society that is not doing what it can to make the world better for our children and their children.
