Learn How to Overcome
With These How To’s

Tips to Stop Doing Drugs

When you make the decision to consume drugs (i.e. marijuana, cocaine, heroin, Percocet, etc.), you run the risk of facing severe consequences. It doesn't matter what type of illegal drug you use, you risk facing legal, financial, health, and relationship problems. Additionally, there is a real danger of becoming dependent upon these drugs. If you use regularly or just once in a while, please consider the following information.

Make the Change

You are responsible for your own body and your own behavior. Therefore, it is important to make a conscious decision to stop using drugs. You may need to change how you think or change your friends but making the decision to take better care of yourself, is a crucial step in the process.

Be Honest

Let others know of your decision so you can be accountable. If you decide silently, you are likely to default when the going gets tough. Being honest may be difficult but it's another important aspect of sobriety. Drug users lie so often, they don't even know they are lying. Getting sober, takes honesty.

Avoid Temptation

If you no longer want to use drugs, then you're going to have to make some lifestyle changes. You have to change the places and people you hung out with while you were using. This is a difficult part of sobriety as people will feel you've betrayed or abandoned them. It's hard to put your sobriety first but do it anyway. Do this to avoid temptation. Surround yourself with positive energy versus negative influences.

Be Patient – Stay Strong

Realistically, you can't and won't recover from drug abuse overnight. Therefore, it's important to be patient and compassionate with yourself. This could be the most difficult thing you've ever done. Stay strong, even if you have doubts or don't believe you're making progress. Remember that drugs can seduce and trick you in false thinking. It will take time to recover, but it will definitely be worth the wait and effort.

Keep Fighting

If you're serious about kicking your drug habit, then force yourself to stick with that mentality. Different people have different ways of coping — find a method that works for you and stick with it! You may want to find professional assistance. Don't be afraid to go into a rehab or attend recovery group meetings. They are very helpful, even if you only want to observe. Keep in mind that discontinuing some drugs cold turkey and be life threatening so best to detox in a hospital under medical supervision. Keep fighting the battle, because you're worth it!