Sir Richard Branson Believes Drugs Should be Legalized

by: Mike Miller

Sir Richard Branson has long been outspoken on his views and opinions regarding drug use, abuse and enforcement. Once again he makes headlines by saying he believes drugs should be legalized.

The founder of the Virgin Group who has been involved in some crazy things over the years, including attempting to circle the globe in a balloon and selling space travel to the affluent is all for legalizing drugs. This according to the Daily News.

The British billionaire believes punishment fails to stem drug abuse, and is calling on countries to decriminalize drug use and eliminate criminal penalties on narcotics consumers.

Branson has been involved in the anti-drug movement for many years. He serves on the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which has among its member’s former presidents of Colombia, Brazil and Switzerland. His group released a scathing indictment about the ineffectiveness of the war on drugs. The report went so far as to dismiss the threat of prosecution as a deterrent for drug use.

Portugal Lead by Example

One of Branson’s favorite examples is Portugal which abandoned criminal prosecution for drug use in 2001. Portugal’s Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction has reported that the percentage of drug addicts in newly diagnosed HIV patients dropped to 22 percent in 2008 from 40 percent in 2002. Illicit drug use is linked to the spread of HIV, due to factors such as sharing needles.

The billionaire business owner was asked the difficult question about his workers’ productivity falling behind if marijuana was legalized. His response was to attack the alcohol and tobacco industries claiming both hurt productivity more than marijuana.

It is time to think outside the box on this war on drugs. Obviously what we currently are doing is not working. However, I certainly do not condone legalizing drugs. I think the answer lies in prevention – more drug classes and counseling.