More Drug Classes Needed in Finland

by: Mike Miller

Drug use among our planet’s youth is on the rise. We certainly are aware of it here in the United States. Europe too is witnessing a surge in youth drug use.

The problem is certainly getting some attention in Finland where social workers say that drug use among the under-25 age group is growing rapidly. The phenomenon is especially obvious in the Helsinki metropolitan area, where young women are increasingly getting hooked on illicit substances.

Of particular concern is the increased use among females. More than 25% of new users are girls aged 16 to 29 years old. Girls are trying the drugs to stand out among their peers, get hooked and are too embarrassed to seek help.

Drug use among girls is often linked to sexual abuse. It is almost too crazy to fathom, but social agencies are reporting that many 14–15 year old girls already have experience with people trying to buy sex.

In general, the path to illicit drug use begins with alcohol, but lately experimentation and use has been starting younger and younger. Marijuana use has exploded among the young, and is especially popular among upper grade school students.

Finland is a microcosm of the rest of the planet. This according to Kids are trying and getting addicted to drugs more often and at earlier ages. I believe there should be universal mandatory drug classes for all kids each of year of school from 12-18.