Florida Drug Class Could Keep Drugs Out of Your Baby’s System

by: Mike Miller

Florida is seeing a surge in the number of babies born addicted to crack and prescription medication. Not only are they born addicted, but due to parents’ use of illegal drugs, they stay addicted!

The effects of a methamphetamine addiction don’t just stop at the user. From the moment of conception to the rest of their lives, children feel the effects of their parent’s or guardian’s addictions - physically, emotionally, mentally and socially.

In Florida, out of every 1,000 births, about seven infants die before their first year in this area. This according to jcfloridan.com.

One of the major reasons for this high statistic is a major increase in drug use in the state!

The mother shares everything she eats, drinks and breathes with the baby – including drugs. This causes the baby to become addicted to the drug. Once the baby is born and the sharing stops, he or she experiences withdrawal, or Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS). Hospitals can catch a withdrawing baby and relieve him or her of the symptoms.

Rarely is the addiction caught in the hospital. It is estimated that 75 percent of infants exposed to drugs are sent home with their ailments undetected.

Babies with NAS undergo a number of symptoms, from inconsolable crying to seizures. These symptoms can take up to 14 days to become apparent and can last up to 8 months.

The first few weeks of life are crucial bonding time for infant and mother. A screaming, unhappy baby facing drug withdrawal and a tired, drug-addicted mother don’t set up the ideal scenario for bonding. The mother probably is not feeling too well either.

This all could be avoided if drugs are not used. No parent would wish their addiction upon their children. Why start them off on the wrong foot. If you are confused as to how your behavior affects your body and your baby, please take a Florida drug class. Our future is at stake